Our latest edition of the Worm Heat Map features important updates. Firstly, we are now reporting worm risk across five segments, up from the previous four. This is due to the larger number of samples being submitted and allows for greater differentiation between regions with low to moderate worm risk. Secondly, the colour grading system has also changed. Green is <200 epg, yellow is 200 - 400 epg, orange is 400-600 epg, light red is 600 – 800 epg and above 800 epg is dark red. With this new grading system, the dangers of barber’s pole worm will be better represented and areas with low worm challenge due to season are more likely to be visible.
Remember that our map shows average worm egg counts and worm eggs have not been speciated. Commentary on what species the worm challenge may be can be found in the discussion per region, if relevant.
For context if you have found this website via social media, the map represents gastrointestinal nematode (otherwise known as roundworms, strongyles, or simply as ‘worms’) worm egg counts quantified from sheep faeces using the innovative FECPAK machines.